Welcome to Natural Family Planning Website

This site is a source of information for our teachers but also for those couples who are trying to learn about their fertility in order to achieve or avoid pregnancy.
If, after exploring these pages and links, you want more information we can put you in touch with an experienced teacher. Please go to our Contact page and we will reply.

Upcoming Events

2024 Distance Learning Teacher Training Courses

The next online course will start in September 2024.

Please proceed to the Contact Us page for enquiries.


We are pleased to announce for teachers with Association / Full membership there is a new facility to receive support.  If you have an NFP query or would like to share a concern with an experienced teacher or show an unusual chart, then please complete the ‘Contact us’ facility and we will reply as soon as possible.

NFPTA Mission Statement

We are committed to promoting fertility awareness education through the dissemination of knowledge and providing teacher training courses. The Association creates an accessible and supportive learning environment.


I have first learned about the Sympto-Thermal Method in late 2013 and started educating myself about fertility and charting my cycles since then. I have successfully avoided pregnancy with the method till this day, understanding my cycles and occasional stress-related irregularities. It has brought such joy and a sense of independence to my life and I have been spreading the news about NFP since first learning about it.

As a dietician, I am helping people make healthier lifestyle choices. In my opinion, Natural Fertility Management is a great tool in the process of restoring hormonal and physical health and can even enhance the relationship of a couple throughout all stages of a woman’s fertility. I would like to become a certified NFP teacher in the Sympto-Thermal Method to also offer this service to women and couples in my practice.


Thank you for this opportunity to become a teacher of the Symptothermal Method. I wish I had taken this training years ago

It’s great to have this understanding of my body and how it works, and be able to make clear healthy choices

I have been charting my own cycle for the past eight years, using this particular method as a natural guide to my fertile time and I have benefitted hugely from gaining this knowledge and understanding of my body. I was advise by Roz Paisey through the NHS in Torbay. It was brilliant and I was surprised how few people use it. I have also shared it with friends who ask but have always highlighted the danger areas. Though it seems that people are more wary than trustworthy of this method, and might steer away rather than dive in. Over time I have built up a degree of confidence with it, through commitment and observation.


As a teenager, my family or teachers were never ever talking about fertility, period, sexual life. I want to be different and I want to give this very important knowledge to my daughters, so they can make more informed decisions in their own life, so they won’t think they have an infection, when they realize that some kind of fluid or mucus comes from them and they’ll know if something happens to their hormones and can act quickly to balance them out.

Since I heard from this fertility awareness method or rhythm method, I became more and more passionate about this topic and started to read more and more about it and started charting … and realized couple of things.

I’d love to be able to educate teenagers, younger and older women about the way their body works, give them the knowledge to change things around if they want and need to.


NFPTA is charitable organization

If you’d like to make a one-time or a recurring donation to the Natural Family Planning Teachers’ Association, you can use PayPal to make it fast and easy.

PayPal members can pay directly from their checking accounts or credit cards by “sending money” to nfpta@outlook.com. Non-PayPal members can still pay with a credit card without signing up for PayPal. Either way, it’s a convenient way to support us.

Thank you.